Thursday, April 22, 2010



今天要分享的是一个故事,是真人真事。是我朋友的朋友的亲身经历。话说我从我朋友那里看到了一篇网志,是说一位男生在号召大家为他因为遇车祸而变成植物人,甚至可能会瘫痪一生的女友加油。两位应该年纪都还蛮轻的,因为男生说他还未穿上警服,所以应该还是在警校里吧!而女生呢是去年才考完SPM的,今年应该才18岁啊!老天对他真的是很残忍,18岁的青春年华,难道就要这样断送,永远的 瘫躺在病床上一生吗?


Thursday, April 8, 2010

pikom pc fair!!!

OMG!!! Me currently working at pikom fair!! Its quite nice actually, but its bit hot and bit sienz lor. Sien of counting peoples, sien with the poker face of lady gaga!!! Feel wanna go tell the shop that, " Dear Boss, Can you please change songs? I listen till wanna boikot lady gaga dy!! And you will make lady gaga lost a loyal fans, and no more sing lady gaga songs when i sing k!!"

The next, the You Choon which beside me when i am blogging, he keep complain and keep stalking at my blog! Then he got a good suggestion that, he is going to tell TTC's (Terengganu Trade Centre) boss that, ask them on an aircond at the door there, so we won't be so hot when we counting people! wahaha! He also told me in whats situation he will blogging and how he blogging! wahahaha! but i won't share here! So, Don't worry ya You Choon!

Again, my boss which beside me saw i was blogging then he was shock, "OMG!!! You are blogger!" and OS in my heart, " yes, I am blogger, i will feel sorry if i didn't update my blog for a long time!"

My friends keep on saying that, they will not blogging at public. They will only blogging when they are alone at home or in a quiet surrounding! But, this is my 1st time blogging at public and with the stalking of people! wahaha! I feel its quite a nice try! Ok, stop now! Finish blogging! Bye Bye!